Friday, November 03, 2006


no.. not to get the image sharp.. but to get LIFE sharp.

there is so much work to be done that it is actually making me HATE everything that is PREVENTING me from doing the work.

anyone that is reading this now, remember, NOTHING in this world (at the moment) is more important than my work. ESPECIALLY NOW, when it is a peak period.

i have said this many times, but let's officiate this here:

when i deliver a wedding overdue, it's not just "a wedding". this is what it is, in bold in case anyone ever forgets (i certainly won't):

Wedding photographs are eagerly waited for by not only two people, but their families and friends AS WELL. We are looking at a minimum of 50 people (25 per side) PER WEDDING that are waiting to see the images.

This means if I have 12 weddings sitting on my computer undelivered, there are AT LEAST 600 people WAITING FOR ME! (thank god for multiplication tables eh???)

now... u get the point?!

so, sorry to sound all high and mighty, but yes, i don't have time for you. not now. no FJ i'm not talking about u. u've probably been the nicest to me thru this period, even if i don't see you much.

i'm gonna sign off b4 i really get too irate.

Thanx all that have offered to help me edit photos. no, u can't help. there are a couple of things:

1. customers pay me to do this, because i do it at a higher standard (again sorree if i sound high and mighty).

2. there is no way i can trust anyone (for now at least) with my life's work. if any of u profess to know me, know this: my work is my life. again, for now at least. it's the only thing that gives me the REASON why i am alive. while i'm still looking for other reasons, this remains the only one for now.

thanx again guys.

p/s before any of my friends/associates/customers take this personally, please don't. that's all i gotta say. let me rant once in a while, i seldom do.

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