Tuesday, January 22, 2008

E-Session Photo/Video

Dino and I have been doing a couple of E-Sessions together for our lovely couples, him on video and me on photo, and with this combi, here's what happens:

Click on image for video. (lovely artwork by Dino, i have no idea where he finds the time to doll up his DVDs so....!)

Generally, an E-Session stands for "engagement" session, and it's not so much that the couples are engaged (to be married) but rather for the photo/videographer to engage with the couple before the Wedding Day so everyone is comfortable with each other. With Dino and I clowning around, we are already comfortable before the E-Session starts, so actually can cancel it, just that they already paid, so we went ahead to have more fun! =P

I have not been selling this package actively, rather have been talking about it to some couples who have booked me and/or Dino for AD photo/video.

One perhaps, not so obvious advantage of this combo is that you have a video to showcase at your wedding banquet, should you choose not to take up express edits from the photo or video package, or if you do not want to show the baby/growing up photos...

Anyway, let me/us know if you're interested to do such a package, we always have alot of fun and we do NOT plan anything, we just go SOMEWHERE and take SOMETHING and really test the random chaos theory. =)

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