Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Long time no see...

How have you been?

As if I'm talking to a real person like that...

it's 7am, and i should really be sleeping. but i just thot i might add a new post to this neglected blog.

what shall i talk about? i don't really have to "report" on my activities, it more or less on baby's blog already, she does such a good job!

i think i shall write about... uncertainty.

Let's define it. http://dictionary.reference.com says:

un·cer·tain·ty ( P )
n. pl. un·cer·tain·ties
1. The condition of being uncertain; doubt.
2. Something uncertain: the uncertainties of modern life.
3. Statistics. The estimated amount or percentage by which an observed or calculated value may differ from the true value.

So, it's a CONDITION? sounds bad. it's also a "thing" (the definition did say "something"). and lastly, it is an amount. u know, like the exhorbitant amount i paid for a car polish package yesterday when all i wanted to do was to get my car washed! ok.. i'm not gonna talk about that.

uncertainty lives in all of us. most of us know it well, so why the heck did i have to define it. i guess it increases the word count of this post.

uncertainty, i realised tonight, repels complacency. or, perhaps it SHOULD. if you are feeling uncertain you SHOULD take some actions to make yourself more certain. and when you take actions, you become UNcomplacent, if there's such a word, or it is an act not becoming of a complacent person, who is contented. so, perhaps i'm more than uncertain. i am uncontented. ok no such word, i know, then let's put it as unsatisfied.

it just sux when uncertainty comes in the middle of the night like 5am, and then i take actions till about 7am, and end it off with a pretty much, useless blog entry.

good luck to me tomorrow, or rather today, or... later.


INVS 2.0 said...

Nice to meet Xinfa's old classmate.

Jonathan Ho said...

glad you guys are having fun here.. =)

INVS 2.0 said...

Your name is so lovely...

HAHAHAHA! Just joking lah!

Jonathan Ho said...

why thank you.. *blush*

INVS 2.0 said...

Daniel's Lao-classmate, got some updates?