Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I have direction; I lack magnitude....


ok.. salah.. should be: give me strength!

anywayz, the title was in regard to my photography career.

you know i remember my applied maths classes in high school (they named the subject MATHEMATICS II, I was for pure maths) talking about vectors. they have direction, and magnitude. without both, they are lost. having direction but not moving, u well.. go no where. having alot of speed, but no direction to go, u're just perpetually lost...

i guess u'd be wondering why i lack magnitude. and i'll be telling u that i dun wanna write long essay.

oh well.. work load's a little less but there are still outstanding work to be done. february seems to be busy again, so i better get a move along! website is getting done, hope to be up by end of the month....

mindless post..

1 comment:

Mockingbird said...

Your photographs are awesome. Keep up the good work.