Thursday, February 16, 2006

Been frigging busy...

Managed to clear most of my shit load of work.. i dunno how i did it, nor do i believe that i can sleep all the way until my salsa lesson at 7pm tomorrow, should i wish to, altho i probably won't!

a couple of interesting things happened recently:

-- my first full page ad! i think the magazine is U-weekly.. it's a chinese magazine where one of the artistes i shot is in there. i think there'll be many more issues of different images in there. dun think i'll buy them all lar.. anyway if anyone's interested, they are images of Elson Soh.

-- three brides in the past week have called up from Europe, having weddings in singapore sometime this year, two from london and one from norway. THREE in a week when i've had ZERO in three years! that's gotta be a call to buy 4D? but what number? how about 2806? dun ask me why that number, i just typed it out blindly. no, it's not my pin to my DBS a/c....

-- last but not least, finally a POTD. yes it's under one of the points of "interest".

Which do you prefer?

No, I meant: to read words that touch, or hear words that touch?

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