Saturday, November 18, 2006

First ride with boss roy!!

Rode to his place at hougang, then together to sengkang for breakfast with alex, then to punggol beach, sit there tok cock for a while:

then after that rode back, alex turned off towards amk, we continued back to roy's place and this is where i got the "shot of the day"

roy's bike and his condo in the background.

i guess that's the whole deal about photography. it doesn't have to look great, but it has to mean something to you. for roy, it's an image of his bike, at his place, a memory he will treasure down the road. it helps that it's such a BEAUTIFUL day today!!

37kms travelled today.

images taken with my dopod! now it's hanging... kaozzzzzz


Anonymous said...

Wah thank you boss!!

Could I have the original pic?

Jonathan Ho said...

yeap.. sent!