Saturday, April 07, 2007

Expressively jOhO v2

Finally launched the website proper after months of tweaking with plenty of procrastination thrown in for good measure! This is the first major revamp since the website came live about 2 years ago, so it's HIGH time for a change.

Technically it's still not fully complete as we're still working on the opening flash sequence. however, it's still good to go and would appreciate your honest and sincere comments, and of course any bugs you face, as i don't have access to all platforms and browser types.

Many thanx to Geoff Liang (his contact can be found in the website) as my flash designer, for working tirelessly despite his busy commitments!

Thank you all for your time and continued support!!


Monkey said...

the new website looks fantastical! :)


Jonathan Ho said...

hey nove, thanx.. when u gonna fly me to the states? =P