Thursday, April 26, 2007


stands for more madeleine.. hehe

more at my usual gallery.

btw, i realised when someone asked me about the title of the song in the previous post that i didn't state it, anyway it's "Stars are Blind" by Paris Hilton, and that person mentioned i was a little shallow since i only mentioned the part where the model flirts with the photographer, and that's not very becoming to imply that i advocate it.

i wondered, what is so unbecoming about flirting? flirting is not casual sex! especially if you wanted that kind of look with your images/videos (as in the paris hilton video). perhaps if i was attached, flirting with my models won't go down too well with my better half but alas, i'm as single as the iceberg that the titanic hit (ok bad example.. sorry!).

anywayz, if i need to redeem myself, it's this: i love the video because i like paris hilton and the video is well done in my opinion. the monochrome works with the contrasty lighting, and the song is catchy, and witty with hidden meanings. go look up the lyrics and think naughty!

sex or sexuality is a big part of (some/most of) our lives, it's how we perceive it and act upon it that reflects on oneself. i still dun feel i am discounting or degrading myself when i say flirting is (or can be) good. i dun have qualify my statement.

anywayz, AWeSOME video hehe..

Maddie, got a scene in the video i wanna try, with the ropes... game? =)

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