without being too graphic, this has been a MOTHER of a month.
last but not the least wedding this month, here's one from today:
July will be processing month for me. lots to do!
Friday, June 30, 2006
Finally, the end of June!
Posted by Jonathan Ho at 11:35 PM
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
How do you show a kiss without actually showing it?
Wat a crappy title.. but anyway.. here's the answer =)
Had lunch with this couple with their direct families, I thank them for inviting me as the only "outsider" for such lovely food and company, on such a special day, their ROM. At first I felt out of place, but after that I really hope they engage me for their AD in Nov next year because I would certainly like to return their hospitality with my passion and skill.
Congrats to Wilson and Amanda! More pics to come. =)
Posted by Jonathan Ho at 4:35 AM
Monday, June 26, 2006
Aloha Changi Ferry Point 7
That's where the wedding was held. One of my shortlisted locations, if i need an outdoor venue.
Gimme a moment while i talk to myself again: you are meant to worry about others' weddings, not yours!!!
ok now that i got that out of the way, let's see here:
loved how her dress fluttered in the wind...
if you can't tell what's going on here, i have done a poor job.
ditto the previous comment!
save the last dance...
well.. not too bad an effort, but there are some shots that i should have done better... haiz. all in all i'm not too happy, but i know the couple will be. is that all that matters? well, let's just say i have not met a couple who's standard is higher than mine. i guess that's a good thing.
another one tomorrow!!!! =)
Posted by Jonathan Ho at 1:43 AM
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Only Love...
Taken from the song titled above:
2 A.M. and the rain is falling
Here we are at the crossroads once again
no, it's not 2am, and no there's no rain, not that i can see... so wassup wit dat?? nothing much.. that song just came to mind, it reminds me of Amer, but that's not the topic at hand.
it's 4am and i have a wedding tomorrow. interesting couple, alfresco style by the beach, bridal table is long one, like amg moh style (ok dammit i'm gonna stop typing singlish describing an angmoh style setting, it's just wrong).
so tell you all for wat? (singlish is my best fren suddenly....)
i am telling u all becos i need to kick myself to shoot properly. no correction, i need to shoot EXCELLENTLY! wat's this about being correct.... i'm crazy.
some say lack of inspiration, dedication or effort. i just say, screw the big words, and shoot those images PLEASE! thank you.
pls await great pics of the wedding tomorrow in this blog. confidence? not really, more like... resolution.
Posted by Jonathan Ho at 4:07 AM
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Finally, some images...
To someone who always doesn't believe what I say:
ok, i'm still busy... i think at least another 2 or 3 weeks before i'm up to speed again... energy levels are... lowish...
Posted by Jonathan Ho at 6:00 PM
Thursday, June 22, 2006
New work area
Rather than describe it, here's an image:
ok no more excuse for not doing work...
Posted by Jonathan Ho at 9:26 PM
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Of tables and photos...
My table is finally arriving tomorrow (shit, i need to draw money!) so no more back and shoulder aches.
which means between now and tomorrow afternoon i'm gonna have to relocate my senoko power station (the clongomerate of power boards and plugs sitting precariously behind the monitor i look at for at least 60% of my time awake) and various "peripherals"...
all this while having 8 weddings to fulfill and a report for pena to complete.
i shoulda just continued sleeping. btw, has it been three days yet???
Posted by Jonathan Ho at 8:03 PM
Sunday, June 18, 2006
D & C - Final
click me - Dennis and Christine.
I'm beat man.. i can't type much.. no energy to move fingers..
I'm gonna sleep for three days.
Posted by Jonathan Ho at 4:17 PM
Friday, June 16, 2006
Gems everywhere...
another couple of shots from dennis and christine's wedding that popped up while editing.. will be printing tomorrow.. or hmm.. later today..
Posted by Jonathan Ho at 6:16 AM
A cousin of mine (mother's side) got married recently in May. and i didn't know about it at all, but then he's in malaysia. my aunty told me tonite, and she said, your mother got give angpow so no need to go lar.. all the way from au also can give to malaysia... power....
then we started discussing about all the cousins under my mum's side and realised that there are only two left that are not married (those of marryable age, between 20+ to my oldest cousin, 31, the rest are all too young). the two are both guys, one from my fourth aunty, and the other... ME!!!!
wah lau... that's depressing. apparently the other cousin of mine that's still unmarried is becos he can't settle for just one woman, keeps changing.. i'm like.. er... hmm... no lar, that's not me. i can't settle, it's not becos i keep changing.. but aiyah that's another story lar..
so care factor? quite about zero lar, just that the conversation stuck in my head. i also realised that i have NEVER attended any of my cousins' weddings. NONE. it would probably be interesting to know that none of my cousins got married in singapore, mum's side mainly still in malaysia, except my dear sixth aunty (bishan) who's kids alvin and justin are still schooling, and my third aunty in bedok that i don't see so often (no kids there).
so i wonder further.. i think when i get married, there won't be any cousins around! not many anyway.. ahah.. good lar, less tables to indent.
ok peace out. peace is what i need when i have to trudge this world alone.
Posted by Jonathan Ho at 2:56 AM
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
alright, processing photos has never been this physically painful...
my new PC is giving me hernias... well not directly... let me try to make a long story short.
- new pc on short coffee table (temp arrangement)
- user sits on floor
- user gets back ache from poor posture
- photos come out good still (in case customers reading this!)
damage? pain and a new custom made $450 table (72"L x 32"W x 29.5"H) that can withstand 2 naked women dancing on it. i might just test out my carpenter's theory.
the table arrives in 10 days (or so). two things:
my back might not be able to survive that long, and i have no idea how to clear my room for this new "bar top dancing" apparatus.
on another note, i have no idea how valerie plays games for hours on end on her laptop while sitting on the floor. maybe good sex helps relieve tense muscles....
Posted by Jonathan Ho at 8:06 PM
Monday, June 12, 2006
A lovely couple..
wedded today. and i had the pleasure of shooting them.
i'm tired, so i'll just post those i got in the day.. and won't say much. but this couple are truly loving and in tune with each other, and connect in such a way that all my lens had to do was to point at them.
it was a perfect day except for the worst thing that could happen to photographers. equipment failure. well, not total failure but my flash was very temperamental today. i have a couple of other equipment and they'll all pay NSC a visit tomorrow. gotta go for annual check up liow... pap smear anyone?
ok here we go:
Posted by Jonathan Ho at 12:54 AM
Sunday, June 11, 2006
New PC
Got a new PC today... just for my record, and anyone who cares:
Don't ask me how much the above costs... let's just say a budget (in my world anyway) doesn't work...
yes.. that's an original copy of windows..!
many thanx to Wolfram for selecting, and installing parts, software and network for me, all for the price of 2for1 canadian pizza that quite honestly dude... TASTED LIKE SHIT.... =P
On another note, i'm busy like CRAP. i have no idea how else to put it........
Posted by Jonathan Ho at 12:33 AM
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Magazine shoot
Won't say too much but just started the first fashion shoot today for a new publication. Here's the team of stylist, MUA, Hairstylist, coordinator, models and me the photographer.
Of course.. i'm the most unattactive one, and should stay BEHIND the camera. (this was taken with a tripod, yeap poor guy had to grow arms and hands to press the shutter button, it usually only has legs...)
Weddings galore this week, another one tomorrow so off to sleep i go....
Posted by Jonathan Ho at 11:59 PM
Please leave a message after the beep...
The subscriber that you are calling is currently dead for a couple of weeks, under a pile of heavy workload. Please donate money for his revival to the a/c number that will be smsed to you shortly.
Posted by Jonathan Ho at 12:38 PM
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Rainie Yang Cheng Lin - Junction 8 Autograph Session
You know the drill.. click on image for Rainie to come out of your screen and tell you she loves me...
ok just this for now... still processing the rest.
Posted by Jonathan Ho at 11:00 PM
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Rainie Yang Cheng Lin - Bugis Junction Autograph Session
Ok, that title should generate a few hits from searches!! ahahha.. bleah
let the pics do the talking. it was worth the wait.. but.. i hope she sings "zhuo bian" tomorrow.. i LOVE that song..
as if she's reading like that........................
click on image for a larger one.
if anyone surfs on here and wants the image, GO AHEAD and grab it, just don't sell it... sharing is caring!
got some nice pics of peifen too, maybe later.
Posted by Jonathan Ho at 11:16 PM
Nothing much...
to update.. I might be quite infrequent in blogging becos june is a very very very VERY busy month... then again, more shoots means more photos to post up, right?
Few things off the top of my head:
Gonna get Wolfram to build me a new power PC, purely for editing, i'm even gonna get him to set up a firewall so there's NO WAY that PC will get online. the only way to acesss that PC is thru LAN. (so my other PC can access it and vice versa.)
Gotta book my aus tickets, shervon let me know of the promos soon as you do! =)
Cleared up some admin, or at least sorted it out. I realise some of my customers MAY be reading my blog, but honestly is my best policy, and half the time I have no idea what I said when to who... lucky everything (confirmed) is written down in the contracts, and finally had time (actually I didn't have time, it's friggin 5am but it tugged at me..) to go through all the contracts and "data entry-ed" it into my database.
Bought a 300GB hdd because i'm full house, i'm officially "worth" more than 1 terabyte now. And wat did i do to that hdd? i left it in the car forgot to bring up. Smart move.
Shooting Rainie tomorrow, meeting Clement, Jurgen and whoever, i'll probably get, oh u are jOhO rite? and i'll be like, yeah but i have no idea who you are!
OKKKK on that note (now i got something to write about liow!! funny how it just comes to you), i get that alot.. pple come up to me and say heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy i know you!!! yeah yeah, u're joho rite?! and then... that's it. anti-climax. and then i have to ask who they are. i mean.. if i give you the "i have no frigging idea who you are, sorree if i've forgotten" look, then PLEASE tell me who you are. of course i don't guarantee that i'll remember u the next time, but it saves me a whole nite's sleep wondering if i've met u b4.
no the above paragraph is not to brag about how popular i am. popular doesn't mean alot of pple know me. popular means pple pay me well. there's a difference! =P
ok, so wat else.. kaoz and i thot this was to be a short post...
which ends here.
was the hypy correct, btw?
OH YES! Darran, if you read this, call me, i'll be there around 12ish.. gonna meet other photographer frens. don't look at me when we do camera speak.. it gets that way with "lens heads" around.. u'll get used to it after we start saying that you should spot meter the face + half stop and shoot without flash since it's outdoor with natural light. (must + the half stop esp since rainie's pretty fair...) then again i might use the flash.. see how.. wait see her all i see are stars...
ok i'm sure i've already lost you there.
ok freak.. i talk too much.
Posted by Jonathan Ho at 5:12 AM