Saturday, June 03, 2006

Nothing much...

to update.. I might be quite infrequent in blogging becos june is a very very very VERY busy month... then again, more shoots means more photos to post up, right?

Few things off the top of my head:

Gonna get Wolfram to build me a new power PC, purely for editing, i'm even gonna get him to set up a firewall so there's NO WAY that PC will get online. the only way to acesss that PC is thru LAN. (so my other PC can access it and vice versa.)

Gotta book my aus tickets, shervon let me know of the promos soon as you do! =)

Cleared up some admin, or at least sorted it out. I realise some of my customers MAY be reading my blog, but honestly is my best policy, and half the time I have no idea what I said when to who... lucky everything (confirmed) is written down in the contracts, and finally had time (actually I didn't have time, it's friggin 5am but it tugged at me..) to go through all the contracts and "data entry-ed" it into my database.

Bought a 300GB hdd because i'm full house, i'm officially "worth" more than 1 terabyte now. And wat did i do to that hdd? i left it in the car forgot to bring up. Smart move.

Shooting Rainie tomorrow, meeting Clement, Jurgen and whoever, i'll probably get, oh u are jOhO rite? and i'll be like, yeah but i have no idea who you are!

OKKKK on that note (now i got something to write about liow!! funny how it just comes to you), i get that alot.. pple come up to me and say heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy i know you!!! yeah yeah, u're joho rite?! and then... that's it. anti-climax. and then i have to ask who they are. i mean.. if i give you the "i have no frigging idea who you are, sorree if i've forgotten" look, then PLEASE tell me who you are. of course i don't guarantee that i'll remember u the next time, but it saves me a whole nite's sleep wondering if i've met u b4.

no the above paragraph is not to brag about how popular i am. popular doesn't mean alot of pple know me. popular means pple pay me well. there's a difference! =P

ok, so wat else.. kaoz and i thot this was to be a short post...

which ends here.



was the hypy correct, btw?

OH YES! Darran, if you read this, call me, i'll be there around 12ish.. gonna meet other photographer frens. don't look at me when we do camera speak.. it gets that way with "lens heads" around.. u'll get used to it after we start saying that you should spot meter the face + half stop and shoot without flash since it's outdoor with natural light. (must + the half stop esp since rainie's pretty fair...) then again i might use the flash.. see how.. wait see her all i see are stars...

ok i'm sure i've already lost you there.

ok freak.. i talk too much.

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