Wednesday, March 14, 2007


haha..nice title huh...

i am HIGHLY irritated by having to log in to blogger with the damn "new blogger ID" crap... it never remembers my login anymore. jas seems to be having that problem too. anyone else???

anywayz.. as the title goes, here's a few random shots from recently. the rest are at my usual scratch pad...

Agatha :

Crystal :

thanx to Ryan for having such a great and positive influence in the way i shoot portraits recently thru his guidance and critiques. =)


INVS 2.0 said...

Tanjong Pagar Railway Station. How would those Malaysian Custom Officers feels when they saw this babe?

INVS 2.0 said...

What is the camera settings for the Tanjong Pagar photos?

Jaslyn said...

I m having that problem cos I've got 3 gmail accounts! And I'm always login with my main one whereas my blogger one uses another account! Login and out.. Now u see me with name but no profile cos I'm logged in to my main account! Arghh.. Sucks!