Sunday, April 09, 2006

Another new day...

Woke up quite late, feeling dazed.

I have to get some serious work done today. At least one collage for final approval from the couple. I have two to do, one more pending approval, and i'm cleared for back log. there's one more that's still not due, but still it's gotta be done.

ideally, a collage takes 5 solid hours of editing and layout, provided i dun surf, chat, piss, shit, eat, have sex or otherwise in between. don't even look out the window to see there's a fire in the corridor.

so if i wanna do 2 by today, i'll be seriously constipated and dehydrated.

i love my life.... argh!

thanx for the comments jas, can't be bothered to open the window and reply ur comments.. i'm just so... stricken with inertia... some how i knew u'd mention the dogs ahahha.. wendy's two dogs, white one is mix maltese and pomeranian (how to spell), brown one is just pom...

here they are again:

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