Monday, June 12, 2006

A lovely couple..

wedded today. and i had the pleasure of shooting them.

i'm tired, so i'll just post those i got in the day.. and won't say much. but this couple are truly loving and in tune with each other, and connect in such a way that all my lens had to do was to point at them.

it was a perfect day except for the worst thing that could happen to photographers. equipment failure. well, not total failure but my flash was very temperamental today. i have a couple of other equipment and they'll all pay NSC a visit tomorrow. gotta go for annual check up liow... pap smear anyone?

ok here we go:


Anonymous said...

Is the nice vignetting done post? Or controlled via in-camera exposure only? I like the vignetting, very nice mood.

Jonathan Ho said...

yo yy, first and second one had a natural vignette caused by the lighting, i enhanced it in ps, third one is totally done in ps. =)

most of these images are overlays of the same RAW file processed in two different ways (one for highlights one fo shadows).

Anonymous said...

ah. RAW processing for dynamic range compression. like grabbing info for HDR images. i just love the enhanced natural vignetting, makes the lighting very dramatic and the scene very different from what the naked eye sees on the actual day. thumbs up!

Jonathan Ho said...

eheh thanx pal.. =)