Friday, February 02, 2007

I bought a REX!!!

in my dreams.... literally.

I seldom dream, or if i do, i seldom remember. This one i do, but it's still vey vague. I think i remmeber waking up to the dream, quite a vivid memory of it, and told myself i HAVE to remember this not because of the rex, but because i never remember my dreams.. and then now.. i can't really remember wat happened.. argh!

this is the little i remember of the dream:

i went to a subaru showroom to buy a rex, then i remember a scene where the sales person was talking to a colleague behind my back saying i "siow" cos i had to top up around 10k to trade in my sunny to clear the loan. nevertheless i bought it still - since when did i become so rich?

then i remember being very happy driving the car... that's it. with who, to where, how fast, wat colour etc etc I CANNOT REMEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! altho i'm SURE roy was in the picture somewhere. if i buy car, he will definitely be involved one. right boss??? =)

roy... so how, should i buy a rex? =PPPPPPP the 10k top up to get rid of my sunny is not a dream.. it's REAL. lol...


Mockingbird said...

u must earn quite a lot to be able to afford a WRX.

Jonathan Ho said...

well no hehe.. cos i don't owe one..! anyway it's not that ex.. car prices have gone down =)