Sunday, February 04, 2007

Sweet November

I spent almost $100 on dvds again the other day, so i now have another 6 titles to watch, i think about 4 of them i've watch before, of the two that i haven't, one of them is Sweet November.

image from

I read the reviews of this movie online, and alot of pple think it sucked. one of the comments was that keanu reeves can't act, and i agree, but mostly i liked the movie, but the ending was.... hmm, can't describe it but i won't say good.

i guess i enjoyed the movie mostly because it's a romantic chick flick. you guys already know i love such movies.

it can come across as me being a masochist. watching such movies just makes me wonder why (the good parts of the movie) can't happen to me. but hey dun worree it's just one sentence of ramble, i have enuff pple telling me that i will meet the right one soon. yes or no doesn't matter, i will still watch such movies!!!

but ya keanu reeves can't act man.. quite atrocious actually.

so many thoughts invoked by the movie but i can't really write them down. i guess they will just swim around inside me till they drown.

now i have a burning question to answer. should i sleep, or should i cycle to 7-11 to get some "fresh air"? i've run out...


Who? said...

Sweet November was just showing on tv last wkend!

Ehhh.. Where you buy the dvds from? Bo Jio!!!

Jonathan Ho said...

yo jas.. any cd shop will usually have those 2 for $30 or in my case was 3 for $49 i think.. at That CD Shop. so i only buy when the titles aren't current. if not they would cost $30+ EACH?...

Who? said...

Oooo... Icic.. Thot you got lobang for pirated ones. Hahha.. See what you have leh!!