Saturday, February 24, 2007


yes yes i've posted b4... sometimes i go back to youtube and go thru my favourites again..

the video is cheesy, very typical taiwanese, but i like her leh.. wat to do?

someone asked me if i met someone like her wat would i do/say/feel? i said like HER or like wat she portrays? the real her is apparently getting quite arrogant. what she portrays, well, if someone was like that, i'd probably end up treating her like a little sister. i'd probably take ALOTTTTTTTTTTT of pics of her too. i've told a couple of frens that i can take better pics than those in her albums but then again i'm probably lying.. or.. too ego. lol...

wonder when's her next album and wat it'll be like. after all said, i do like her voice and her songs, but she's just the "instrument", she doesn't write her songs, i believe. not that talented i guess....?

bloody mindless post, can't sleep. will try now.

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