Tuesday, June 12, 2007


no.. not the car.. but a dog's name!!

yeap.. i am looking after a dog on bahalf of a friend's friend... nvm that part.. but the dog.. he's a beagle/daschund mix, and i've got him for 3 months till his owner can have him back.

took him for a walk just now and the first thing he did was to pee at the tree right outside my gate. no wonder he was making so much noise in the house! and it's good that he's still toilet trained, cos apparently he's been at a pet farm for the last year, and might have "forgotten" about toilet training since it's not needed there...?

anywayz.. yeap i guess i'll be going for walks often then. which brings me to the next point.. while walking.. i wanna take pics leh!!! so i am thinking if i should get a gx100... it's expensive for a digicam.. but well, i guess only pple who really know about photography would see it's value. anyway it's not that i need to take pics while walking rex, i've always wanted a digicam since there's no way i would bring out my dslr on a regular basis unless it's for a "proper shoot". even travelling.. dun wanna lug all the stuff around.

so ron, if you're reading this - was gonna see if u were on msn if not will call you - can you tell me (if you know) if the gx100 is worth it, or should i get a GRD instead? the gx is appealing because it has a zoom, and without the WA convertor it's already at 24mm, which is plenty wide. also another plus point is the IS on the gx100 sensor. the 10mp doesn't bother me much, actually it probably produces noisier images as a result?

man.. trust me to link a (temporary) acquistion of a dog to a (permanent) acquisition of a camera... wat the....???!!

back to rex.. i think he's a little scared/uncertain/unfamiliar so he's kinda making funny noises and barking intermittently. hopefully he gets used to the place and me soon, but otherwise he's much of a pleasure to be with. i mean, being toilet trained, that is VERY GOOD liow lor, i can't ask for much more on the first day.

oh.. and the owner of this dog.. she's quite cute.. and.. very sunburnt!!!

i'll take pics of it.. maybe with my gx100 which i don't have yet.... lol...

ron, talk to u about it soon! =)


Parka said...

It's very strange you didn't upload photos of REX seeing that it's a photo heavy blog. Heh

ShutterBug said...

yoz! well, the GX is supposedly cheaper and better than the GrD. In terms of image quality, I think it's definitely worth it for you to get. Ead has one and playing around with it for a while. Compared to the GrD, the zoom & IS function is very useful in low light. ISO noise problems occurs @ 800 and above but it's still relatively nice 'noise'.

Buy buy buy!