Friday, June 08, 2007

Soulmates and cycles.

How long can you go without speaking your heart about your worries, inadequacies and fears? Especially when it's not because of pride that prevents you from doing so, just lack of listeners?

and to make it a little more interesting, what if the listeners had to be QUALIFIED to listen? i mean, bluntly put, why would u bother letting a person listen to you if you felt they wouldn't understand? then, how sure are you know they wouldn't?

that's wat soulmates are for...


wedding season is starting for me again..

so.. what's life about...? soulmates and cycles, perhaps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For some, it is religion.

For others, after a few beers, everyone is your best friend and a good listener.

Sometimes, it's about seeding your thoughts and casting the net wide, then waiting for the right one to bite. This is why some of us blog.

We beer soon?h