Thursday, March 23, 2006

The storm before the calm....

Yes, it isn't a typo.

going thru a storm at the moment. well maybe a storm isn't the best word for it, but i dun think the statement "the death before the calm" really works..

i've never had such a back log of work in my life. ever.

and after i clear it, which is unlikely, the calm comes when i go to hong kong. i need to get away, it's just too much. i could rant about why this and why that, but ultimately, the "blame", if any, comes back to me. basically if your life sux, it's just too easy to blame other things. well anyway, i don't think my life sux, i just have too much on my plate. who put the food on my plate? me lar.. still got who?

let's see. it's thursday now. going in to pena first thing in the morning till early afternoon hopefully, have a report to finish up. after that it's a meeting with William to discuss the shoot for Elson. then dinner with mama at ah yee's place. then church rehearsal for the wedding on saturday. then appt with customer at great world city. i'll be a wreck when i get home. so that's thur gone.

fri is still open.

sat wedding, full day gone.

sun is still open but i'll prob do elson's shoot on that day, so that's out. mon and tue i'll be at pena. wed i'm flying off.

so, how do i get the 4 weddings that i want delivered by the time i go to hk? well, i guess u'll have to read my post on wed to find out.

and why aren't i processing photos now? cos i have two batches of raw files converting in the background. have some sympathy on my poor computer!

"Oh Lord, keep me awake. That's all I ask. The rest I can do."


Feliza said...

hmmm tot that thurs was free... hur hur hur..... nvm... da man ren..... see u again...... help me buy astroboy stuff when u r in HK k????

Jonathan Ho said...

well u didn't book me my dear..

come hong kong with me lar!

Feliza said...

siaoz..... u pay for me want? u pay i also dun wan.... bleahs...