Sunday, February 25, 2007

More Hijack!!!

Another post for you Dawn, this one is SO CUTE LOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(you can count on one hand how many times i use that phrase ok??!!)

and here's another of him resting on your gown. hehhe

Thanx Rany!

Here's Rany with Evan at their ROM. Thanx for the dessert and pineapple tarts, major toothache! Did you know that's all i had yesterday, dessert and tarts... balanced diet huh?

Looking forward to shooting your bridal and wedding day albums! *bounces around*

and Evan, matchmaking may be your passionate hobby, but please don't quit your day job!! =P

Saturday, February 24, 2007


yes yes i've posted b4... sometimes i go back to youtube and go thru my favourites again..

the video is cheesy, very typical taiwanese, but i like her leh.. wat to do?

someone asked me if i met someone like her wat would i do/say/feel? i said like HER or like wat she portrays? the real her is apparently getting quite arrogant. what she portrays, well, if someone was like that, i'd probably end up treating her like a little sister. i'd probably take ALOTTTTTTTTTTT of pics of her too. i've told a couple of frens that i can take better pics than those in her albums but then again i'm probably lying.. or.. too ego. lol...

wonder when's her next album and wat it'll be like. after all said, i do like her voice and her songs, but she's just the "instrument", she doesn't write her songs, i believe. not that talented i guess....?

bloody mindless post, can't sleep. will try now.


Here's one for you Dawn... will do the teochew porridge on monday! =)


side note: i love film!! (shot on tri-x)

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Another personality test...

No i'm not spending all night doing it, just this one's interesting, it allows you to use your results to find pple that are similar! not sure that's a good idea, wonder how i'd get along with a person that's like me.... not hopeful there.. lol

My Personality

Openness To Experience
You are neither a subdued loner nor a jovial chatterbox. You enjoy time with others but also time alone. You are generally calm and composed, reacting moderately well to situations that most people would describe as stressful. As a practical person you like to think in plain and simple terms. Others describe you as down-to-earth, practical, and conservative. People see you as tough, critical, and uncompromising and you have less concern with others' needs than with your own. You like to live for the moment and do what feels good now. Your work tends to be careless and disorganized.

Test Yourself Compare Yourself View Full Report

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

On a lighter note...

Here's a couple of shots from today's (actually, yesterday's) wedding on Raffles Lawn:

click on the last pic to do it justice...

A Moment to Remember...

Can you believe it.. i watched the whole movie on youtube, split in 9 parts. nevertheless i still ordered the dvd from HMV hongkong.

it didn't make me cry (yes - some movies do, admittedly) but dammit it's depressing. Critics have said there is no such love, it's fiction. i say it's bullshit - it's not fiction, at least not that concept. when the dvd arrives, i'll lend it to you and you can draw your own conclusion.


for many nights i have been searching for this... mentioned in previous posts....

anyway it's the MV from the korean movie "A moment to remember" i haven't watched it, but have watched this video many times.

no idea why i'm so happy to find it.

was just telling jas, who actually sent me a link on veoh to see another video then mindless surfing i caught a glimpse of something lar.. i dunno wat happened, then it led me to the title of the movie and then i did a search on veoh and youtube for the title of the movie and there we go!! eheheh...

i was just telling her, you know i like shit like this.. shoulda been born a girl....

so back to the video...

i love:

- how they met! 0:41, that look on her face OMG!!!! cute and funny and i dunno man... lol
- how confident he is
- how shy/fragile/easily scared she is
- how she "challenges" him by finishing her drink
- love blossoms in the most unopportune place. wat is that, korea's version of HK's streetside stalls? quaint huh? (now u know why i say to couples that if u wanna do a pre-wedding soot at the kopitiam u have breakfast at every sunday, we can, why not!!)
- how he makes an effort to impress her
- how the world walks by oblivious to you when you're in love - 1:17
- how she SOOKS!!! (it's an aussie slang, dunno how to explain, "sulk" doesn't quite cut it) - 1:24. actually she looks horrendous here.. lol...
- how he scares her when they were chasing each other around town (that is SO ENDEARING!!!!)
- how he looks at her when she comes out in her gown
- how she resists him undoing her robe (in japan she would have said "YAMATE" but ok, let's keep this romantic, and not sexual!)
- how her towel holding her hair falls off when he carries her
- that lipstick stunt all over his face, that's NOT cool but still make me smile
- her smirk after that!
- how she embraces him in her arms. yes.. men need to be embraced too.. almost just as much and regularly as women.....
- her slightly forced smile, could be putting up a front for him when she's unhappy about something - 2:01
- the look on her face after kissing him, (2:40) notice how her eyes shift just so slightly...

then it goes downhill from there... cry cry cry cry.. (u know koreans..)

and so one last thing i love, how a man can be reduced to a puddle of tears, just the same way a woman can.

i swear i have watched this at least 20 times. and i still have no idea why the high resolution one is not on my PC anymore. :(

anywayz, the above is just from watching the MTV, i think i will try to get the movie to really know wat is the story.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


don't have to eat right? ok i'm almost there.. 24 hours no food! dunno wat's wrong with me, just don't really feel hungry plus have been sleeping quite a lot. i guess the mad rush b4 CNY really took a toll.

anyhow, it's a great day today (from what i can see from my window) and it would be fun to run around Raffles Lawn later to shoot a solemnisation.

Talking about solemnisations, just finished a collage for Michael and Anna, here's one page that's slightly different from my usual. the rest of the series can be found if you click the image:

I have about three more collages to do, and for those of you who think that's alot, it's not. i'm actually breathing easier these days!!

now to slowly catch up with my friends...

Happy birthday to my brudder Adrian for yesterday, wishing you plenty of happiness and... kids??!! ahha.. one not enuff! =P

Monday, February 19, 2007

KISS mtv - chinese version..

it's probably not as good as the korean one but worth a watch.

there's another korean one that featured (what else) a guy and a girl, and one scene where she came out in a wedding gown and that look on his face when he saw her.... priceless...

but being korean, i don't know the title, and it's hard to do a search. actually i was searching for it, then i came across the one above, so post first. all these mtvs i have it high res form on my computer before.. no idea where they are now.. sigh.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Another Hidden Gem!!

They're everywhere!

Sometimes I wonder, am I really THAT capable of such shots? I mean.. was that really me shooting? my images sometimes amaze even me. is that normal?

incidentally, i just watched Phantom of the Opera on DVD last nite. it was awesome! part of the story was the phantom singing thru christine. her soul, his song. something like that.

so back to my photographs... my soul, but who's eyes...?

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Gong Xi Fa Cai

Sorry for the lack of a more creative title. lol..

this post not about CNY, i have written about CNY before here and my views have pretty much stayed the same. things didn't change much for the past year as far as CNY celebrations go.

incidentally jean was the "lead actress" in that post. now i remember that shot and how and why i shot it.

ok now back to business, literally.

for a wedding photographer, i dun actually post that many wedding photographs on my blog. i just assume that pple know where to go to find my latest work, which is the clubsnap gallery that i call me "scractch pad" just dump it there first, it will slowly find it's way to the professional portfolio which is kinda.. yes i've been talking about the new one for a while. it's coming lar dun rush me!!! =P

so i've provided a permanent link to that gallery on the right side bar.

anyway, just a shot that, i term, "hidden gem"... usually after a wedding i would go and find all those nice shots and edit first. once in a while some gems excape my eye and only at a much later stage that i see it. and i'm so glad i saw it if not it would be "lost" in the terabytes of data!

now u know exactly where to go to see a bigger version.

Happy CNY. =)

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Do I really have to write about Valentines' Day?

No, because it's just like any other day. But i could always make things up as i go...

ok this year, single, and i spent the day BUYING A NEW CAMERA!!! ahah why aren't you surprised that it would be photographically related? those of you intersted to know what i bought can ask me, but generally most of my readers won't know wtf i'm talking about, unless u're a photographer. anyway... next...

last year, i was also single, having broken of with Jas on new years' day. ar well, we're still great frens, bless her, and we will be friends for a long time yet! i spent the day with Feliza, or at least dinner at Ivin's.

the year before (in case you lost track, we are now talking about 2005), i was with pf, and we had dinner at Prego. come to think of it, we took pics.. i wonder where they are now, and what did we shoot with? handphone i think. incidentally, someone (can't remember who) reminded me of her at a wedding i shot a couple of weeks back. but no, this time her mother didn't appear out of no where in front of me.

right, now to 2004, i am certainly stretching my memory here. it's a male thing. we don't remember stuff well! ok let's see here... 2004... i think i was single, but u know could be casually seeing someone. seriously, i don't remember.

2003 and beyond no need to say lar. even during the days of cheryl i don't remember what we did. that would be like 2001 and 2002...

i have to say my most memorable v-day experience was with this girl called Duvel, and we were YOUNG then.. i think i would have been... 19? 20 tops. at that age, i was POOR. i mean.. who's really RICH at 19 (especially if you don't count parents' money?) and i still managed to cough up a nice dinner at conrad hotel complete with flowers and all. she wasn't my girlfriend, was never, but VERY VERY pretty. do i sound shallow? well, if u did, then u didn't wait for me to mention the other things i really liked about her, so right back at ya!!! anyway she had this really really abstract mind, a deep thinker and regularly depressed. in some strange way, that made me very curious about her. she seemed happy that night, and as far as 19 or 20 year olds go, we had invigorating and deep conversations. I've lost touch with her ages ago, last i heard, which is at least 5 years ago, is that she's living (and i think married) in melbourne, and free of depression. good girl! if she EVER reads this, i hope things have stayed the same - as in, married, in love, and happy.

u know.. now that i think back.. maybe that was christmas eve, and not v day.. ARGH... not sure now...

while i'm in the "thinking back" mood, i have two interesting stories to tell, and if u've already read thus far, u might as well keep going. i'm SURE i'm not that boring a writer am i?

my dad (in australia) emailed me to say they managed to sell the house and now doing lots of packing which involves throwing alot of my stuff out. he SPECIFICALLY mentioned tho, that he would pack my comics properly. yes that's right, i used to collect comics! and it wasn't really because i loved reading them, it was Mark Tan (not the same Mark Tan who is my favourite videographer) that told me it would be worth alot in 30 years, to which i thought, wah.. so long time.. relac man.

this was when i was 16. that "30 years" Mark mentioned has gone HALF WAY!!!!!! time just flies and now my comics should be worth much more than when i bought it, and all these while i totally forgot about them! damn.. i'm getting old.

ok next story, for some reason when i was having supper with ryan tonite (yeah i spent valentine's day with a guy, but technically it was already past nidnite!) i was telling him about a story of my childhood days. the place we were having supper was playing this old song and i remember the song from the house parties that my mum used to organise once a year, i can't remember for what occasion, probably christmas, where we would shift the furniture so that we could have a dance floor in the house. can u imagine your parents having a dance house party! but i figured when i was about 8 years old, my mum would be 32 years old, so it's not THAT old to be having parties, even if u're married with two kids.

so that's not the interesting part yet. my mum had this colleague that i "liked" very much. as a kid i was "attached" to this colleague of hers and would dance with her at this party every year. when someone else danced with her, i would be jealous! it was WHACKED! i was like 8, and she would probably have been 30 at least, since she's my mum's colleague! oh the memories that just jolt back from cold storage just by a mere song.

that is why i say, photographs are so important. can u imagine the kind of bigger "jolt" a photograph could possess, when a mere song that's not directly related to the memory as far as the song's content goes can already do so much?

i have mentioned before that i love my job. just reminding everyone. be envious!


Thursday, February 08, 2007

KISS ME - Because I'm a photographer

ok lameness title.. but i was mindlessly surfing and i got reminded of this song that i came across on some blog by KISS - Because I'm a girl.

It took me a while to load, but for those of you who find unrealistic romantism charming, then it's worth the wait, if not, just hit alt-f4.

a couple of things wrong with this mtv (among others):

if i shot an image like that, i wouldn't be hand printing only 4R size! and.. it would have been out of focus since he was focusing on someone behind..


this video, for the realists, says: men are bastards, married (notice the ring on his finger) still flirt, and photographers are WORSE, using their skill to bluff women...

but.. u think i care? ahahha.. it's a skill i will still keep no matter how much u berate me for it! *evil laughter*

but i'm not the realist, i'm the romantist (got such word?) so this is very beautiful, the more far-fetched it is, the better, and i'm biased because it features a photographer, and even more so now since i've just taken up b/w film photography. will somehow get myself in a darkroom (and proficient) by this year. hope i dun eat my words..

back on the point of being far-fetched = better. i mean, it's a damn story, it's supposed to be a tear-jerker, it's fiction. ur feet still stays on the ground, but let your mind and heart run free for a moment. wat's so wrong about that?

there's a couple more mtvs that come to mind that "features" a photographer, one is a favourite: Li Xiang Qing Ren - Rainie Yang. incidentally this song was on jean's blog for AGES.. that's how i knew the song, and finally when i saw the mtv i was like.. yeahhhhh nice. she's rainie.. and i'm the photog.. *POOF* ok i'm awake.. carrying on...

the other i can think of is the cheesy Paris Hilton song, Stars are blind. i think there are more than one version of this mtv and at least one of them has this really hot photographer (male) and paris in some sort of "photographic foreplay". it's a cheesy mtv, but it's well shot (am i contradicting myself here? - as in the whole song and theme is cheese, but the tones, framing etc were great) and the tune is catchy.

those i mentioned above can be found on youtube, if u wanna bother doing a search. i posted the Rainie song in this blog before iirc.

anymore mtvs that feature photographers (as a "lead")? share leh!

when i get married.. i wanna do an mtv of my own, me as myself, the photog, sianning some pretty girl-next-door that doesn't know better. ok applications to be my wife will open soon. give u time to write ur proposal.

*POOF* again.. i wake up....

Monday, February 05, 2007

I'm good...

yes i know, it's not the most modest of titles, but it's from the heart that i speak today...

as some of u might know, i'm working on my new website together with my designer, Geoff. Long story how from Shih Han it became Geoff, and not the point of this entry.

as the website gets built, i got lost in all the technicalities of the website, this doesn't align, that has too much empty space, this looks wierd, can you move that across a few pixels, the buttons are ugly and doesn't fit the theme of the whole site blah blah blah..

for WEEKS we have been tweaking it, and Geoff's a little slower than usual because he has a full time job to concentrate on, explains why this project has been dragged over a couple of months.

tonight i went to check out the website again, as geoff updates it whenever he has time and i will just go and see wat chages he has done. but instead of being nit picky and making the whole website "perfect" i decided to go thru the galleries that have been loaded... every single image.. and i said to myself... "I'm good".

I see each image, and i remember exactly why i took it, and how i felt when i shot it, and it reminds me of what happened, why it happened and why pple were laughing, crying or smiling at the time the shot was taken. I remember the couple, i remember their day, i remember thier love. I have proven that my images have the power to bring you back to the moments they were taken. that is why i say i am good.

now the tough part... how the hell i am going to maintain or even improve that is beyond me. a high stardard is hard to keep, and harder to improve on. when i went thru the images, i liked wat i saw, but this nagging voice asks "can u carry on doing this?"

if ever i talk about this topic i'm so passionate about again, and the answer is "yes" i will definitely let u know. let me go and find out the answer to that question.

so... the website... it's already perfect. we are just putting the cherry on top.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Sweet November

I spent almost $100 on dvds again the other day, so i now have another 6 titles to watch, i think about 4 of them i've watch before, of the two that i haven't, one of them is Sweet November.

image from

I read the reviews of this movie online, and alot of pple think it sucked. one of the comments was that keanu reeves can't act, and i agree, but mostly i liked the movie, but the ending was.... hmm, can't describe it but i won't say good.

i guess i enjoyed the movie mostly because it's a romantic chick flick. you guys already know i love such movies.

it can come across as me being a masochist. watching such movies just makes me wonder why (the good parts of the movie) can't happen to me. but hey dun worree it's just one sentence of ramble, i have enuff pple telling me that i will meet the right one soon. yes or no doesn't matter, i will still watch such movies!!!

but ya keanu reeves can't act man.. quite atrocious actually.

so many thoughts invoked by the movie but i can't really write them down. i guess they will just swim around inside me till they drown.

now i have a burning question to answer. should i sleep, or should i cycle to 7-11 to get some "fresh air"? i've run out...

Friday, February 02, 2007

I bought a REX!!!

in my dreams.... literally.

I seldom dream, or if i do, i seldom remember. This one i do, but it's still vey vague. I think i remmeber waking up to the dream, quite a vivid memory of it, and told myself i HAVE to remember this not because of the rex, but because i never remember my dreams.. and then now.. i can't really remember wat happened.. argh!

this is the little i remember of the dream:

i went to a subaru showroom to buy a rex, then i remember a scene where the sales person was talking to a colleague behind my back saying i "siow" cos i had to top up around 10k to trade in my sunny to clear the loan. nevertheless i bought it still - since when did i become so rich?

then i remember being very happy driving the car... that's it. with who, to where, how fast, wat colour etc etc I CANNOT REMEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! altho i'm SURE roy was in the picture somewhere. if i buy car, he will definitely be involved one. right boss??? =)

roy... so how, should i buy a rex? =PPPPPPP the 10k top up to get rid of my sunny is not a dream.. it's REAL. lol...

Thursday, February 01, 2007

More therapy...
