Monday, January 16, 2006

It's gonna be tough today...

Yes, for the third day in a row, i'm up at a "godly" hour. today was 7am. but the problem is i didn't have a fitful sleep..

6am started sneezing a few times, got up to blow my nose, then lie back down, toss around, got up, went to piss, came back, got up again, drank some water, then stared at ceiling, until 7am (at least can see some light from the window) then too bored, got up and on the computer.

now...? i feel sleepy again! people like just got to the office, getting a coffee, booting up computer, ready for a GREAT MONDAY and what have i got here? oh.. the trials and tribulations of a formerly "unglodly hour sleeper"....

i need your well-wishes and support. toss a 5c coin in bt timah long kang and make a wish on my behalf.

no POTD lar.. boh eng lar! trying to keep awake!!!

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